Netflix has been on a roll with their original programming, so why should the upcoming Luke Cage series be any different? A spin-off from the female-centric Jessica Jones (“I don’t want to watch it, I HATE shows with strong female characters!” was the excuse my boyfriend gave me when I tried getting him to watch it, yet after episode one he was hooked…douchebag), Luke Cage follows, well, ex-con Luke Cage (duh) as he battles crime on the streets of New York City. We already saw what Cage was capable of in Jessica Jones – a virtually indestructible man whose skin cannot be pierced. Great for when you’re a superhero, shitty for when you’re getting blood drawn.
Judging from the trailer, we’re in for one helluva origin story. Explosions, romance, hoodlum street gangsters who think they’re the talk of the town until their fist gets shattered after colliding with Cage’s face…what more could you want?
Luke Cage premieres September 30th on Netflix.