R. Kelly Being Sued For Giving Chlamydia To Wife Of Sheriff’s Deputy

It’s a fact. Women can’t resist R. Kelly. But you don’t have to take my word for it… just ask sheriff’s deputy Kenneth Bryant from Hinds County, Mississippi. His wife cheated on him with the R&B singer and now he’s suing R. Kelly.

The singer allegedly had an affair with Bryant’s wife, Asia Childress. The wife confessed to banging Kelly before marrying Bryant in July of 2012, and then again three months after the wedding when she went to an R. Kelly concert. Kelly reportedly gave chlamydia during their bump and grind. But hey at least she’ll always have something to remind her of the time spent with the iconic R&B singer.

Around the same time she got the clam, Childress convinced Bryant to uproot their lives and move to Atlanta to further her career. Bryant suspects the real reason for the move was to “foster her adulterous relationship with R. Kelly.”

From Consequence of Sound:

The lurid details of the supposed dalliance, as laid out in court documents acquired by MS News Now, have all the makings of a Lifetime movie. To start, Bryant claims Childress had a previous relationship with Kelly prior to their July 15th, 2012 wedding, but was told that it had ended. However, after Childress attended an R. Kelly concert just months later in October 2012, the two “re-commenced an intimate relationship.”

Bryant filed the complaint on April 21st against R. Kelly, and blamed the singer for the deterioration of his marriage “beyond repair.” He seeks damages for “emotional, psychological, and financial loss” as the result of Kelly seducing his wife.

Can’t blame the wife for wanting to bang Kells when he’s crooning “Your Body’s Callin.”
