Everyone’s favorite Ukranian red carpet prankster is at it again! You may remember Vitalii Sediuk from such hilarious practical jokes as crawling under America Ferrara’s dress at Cannes, or attempting to kiss Will Smith on the mouth. How could the Eastern European rascal top those two doozies? By straight up hitting Brad Pitt in the face!
Pitt was just being a good dude and accompanying his partner Angelina Jolie to the premiere of her new film “Maleficent” at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood. He probably didn’t even want to be there. He had to get all spiffed up to get screamed at by a bunch of annoying idiots on the red carpet, and then sit through “Maleficent.” Have you seen the previews? There’s no way Pitt wants to see that. He’d rather be tossing beers between balconies with Matthew McConaughey and crushing life. But I guess when you’re banging Angelina Jolie, sometimes you gotta suck it up and be a team player.
What does he get for all his trouble? Vitali Sediuk decides to jump over a barricade and hit him in the face as a “prank.” I know that things are pretty hardcore over in Eastern Europe, but since when is popping someone in the grill a prank? That has got to be the laziest idea I’ve ever heard. I would’ve loved to have been in that brainstorming meeting with the rest of Vitali’s crew –
Vitali: “Pitt, Pitt. Okay, how the hell can we prank Brad Pitt?”
*long sustained silence*
Vitali’s Henchman: “Ummm… I guess you could just punch him in the face?”
Vitali: Genius. Get me my pranking shoes.
The actual smack wasn’t caught on camera, and authorities haven’t said whether Pitt was slapped or punched or what, but in reviewing pics after it occurred, Pitt doesn’t look any worse for the wear. And thank God too, that guy’s glorious angel face is worth MILLIONS.
Image via NY Post