All The Scenes From The ‘Fantastic Four’ Trailers That Weren’t In The Movie

All props for this go to Mr. Robo Panda over at Uproxx’s Gamma Squad, because he like me was wondering just where in the fuck all the cool scenes we saw in the Fantastic Four trailers went when we actually got to watch the movie.

Now I knew going in that this probably wasn’t going to be the best Marvel superhero movie ever made, but hey, it’s a Marvel superhero movie so how bad could it really be? Turns out it was very, very bad.

Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that both the screenwriter and the director have said that not much of what they envisioned for the movie actually appeared in the movie. For proof of that all we have to do is watch the trailers again and ask, “Hey, what happened to that scene where…?” over and over again.

However, thanks to Dave Gonzales, a writer for Forbes, Geek and Latino Review, and his trusty Twitter account we don’t even have to do that. He did it for us.



















Hell, as Robo Panda also points out there was even B-Roll footage put out prior to the film that showed the Fantasticar and it too didn’t make the final cut.

Just for good measure, Mr. Sunday Movies did still put together their list of all the Easter eggs, reference and cameos. So, uh, there is that to enjoy.

Any chance can we just go all playground rules and everyone just pretend that this version of the Fantastic Four movie didn’t happen and have a do-over? Because I’d really like to see what it was supposed to have looked like.