We made clear just a few days ago that we here at BroBible love the shit out of Selena Gomez. She has the looks, brains, and looks. Before we dive into the the impressive three song series Selena Gomez manages to squeeze out of a brief SNL drive by, let us all take a moment and appreciate the Ronda Rousey introduction. What was that? The vaguely sensual but prominently awkward posture, where you might’ve been aroused if it didn’t look like Rousey was kind of squaring up to dislocate your shoulders, rip your dick off, and choke you out.
Anyways, that whole what-is-Rousey-doing-with-her-life intro helped establish Selena Gomez as this almost sleekly graceful, attention-grabbing, force for the entirety of her performance. Gomez is hot man.
She’s coming into her own. Brace yourself.
Frankly, it’s something of a relief that she left Justin Bieber to his own devices–like bleaching his blonde emo rag of a head, and stigmatizing himself with more tattoos he probably forgets getting sometime between last call and another psychotically narcissistic Instagram post.
Like this.
Or this.
It’s great to see Justin Bieber hitting rock bottom in his self-obsessed Insta-exploits. It’s even better to see Selena Gomez carving out a secure spot for herself in the entertainment industry as a young and motivated woman, actor, artist who’s getting by in an impossibly competitive entertainment industry on more than her looks.