DJ Khaled is the king of Snapchat. The rapper has gained a tremendous following on the social media platform thanks to his catchphrases, motivational messages, endorsements of Dove Soap and cocoa butter, giving life advice while he waters plants, and getting lost on a jet ski. The 40-year-old “We the Best” producer will give you some sage advice on how you can win win win on Snapchat.
In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail, DJ Khaled, who currently holds the number one album on iTunes with “Major Key,” breaks down how he has garnered over four million followers on Snapchat.
- Don’t try to be someone you are not, just be yourself
- Send out positive messages to motivate others and yourself
- Show people what you do in every day life – share your life with them
- There are no limits – shoot what you want to shoot and don’t worry about content or frequency
- Keep your Snapchat focused on ‘love’ rather than negative energy and ignore the haters – don’t let ‘they’ tell you how great you can be
- You don’t need to come up with catchphrases – just stick with the language you use every day and your own ‘type of talk’ will catch on
Hmmm, where’s #7 Be a super famous celebrity?
There you have it, thanks to the canny wisdom of DJ Khaled you now know how to get followers on Snapchat. And another one. Another one. Another one. Another one.