Stephen Colbert Has A Beard Now And It’s As MANLY As A Big Game Hunting Trip With Hemingway

Stephen Colbert is poised to take over The Late Show from David Letterman later this year. It’s weird to not see him on The Colbert Report every night, but he came out of a mid-winter hibernation last night at the 10th annual Oscar Wilde Awards in L.A. Best of all… HE HAS A BEARD. And not just any beard, a UBER MANLY grayfox beard that would make Hemingway proud. Here’s what he told The Daily Beast about his Grizzly Adams look:

“I have not allowed this to happen to my face since college because I’ve been working professionally pretty constantly since then,” he explained to The Daily Beast. “I have like nine months where nobody has to see me so I said, ‘I wonder what I look like?’”

The Colbeard was an instant hit on the red carpet. “In a pre-industrial stainless steel razor’s edge society, this is what I would have looked like all the time,” he said.

It’s almost Clooney-esque, I offer.

“You know what? I was too humble to drop the C-word, but I’m gonna say Clooney-esque right now—and I’m only echoing you,” he smiled.


You outbearded me with that graceful face of whiskers, Colbert. This blogger with Doritos crumbs in his beard because he still lives in his parents basement is truly jealous.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: