Fast and The Furious 329: Are We Still Doing This? hits theaters on April 14, 2017 and it remains to be seen if producers will incorporate the man who brought the F&F franchise to prominence. With every successive movie made after Paul Walker’s death, it is an insult to his legacy. His chapter is diluted when the book gets thicker. There’s only so many head on collisions Vin Diesel can cause between innocent drivers with his self-indulgent recklessness before Walker is all but forgotten. Sad.
But this begs the question: Who will fight for Paul Walker? Who will sing his song? Look no further than these San Clemente, Cali surfer bros who sat in on a city council meeting to urge the powers that be to erect a 12-foot Paul Walker statue on the pier. I mean, Joe Paterno got his own statue and he’s old-looking and um, I think I’m missing something. Paul’s statue would be dripping in sex–pearly smily, heavenly hair, exuding a strong moral compass. It could very well be the monument that unites SoCal over their bitter dispute about the health benefit of acai berry smoothies.
[h/t Jalopnik]