In the wake of a University of Oklahoma frat displaying a sad, backwards-thinking, head-shaking, “kids these days” eliciting, racial act of ignorance and intolerance, our hope was that the societal response from all races: black, white, and Blake Griffin, would be like “nah, bros”.
That’s why it was music to our ears (ok, completely inaccurate metaphor) when Waka Flocka eloquently announced via Instagram that he’s canceling his concert scheduled next month at the University of Oklahoma. I was less surprised when I heard this news as I was just a second ago when I found out the word ‘canceling’ has only one L. Intolerance and spelling canceling with one L. The world and I just disagree on so many things.
Here is the Waka Flocka’s post. I present the idea that the ex-frat dudes (the Chapter has been closed following the incident), should have to buy-out all the tickets purchased for the show that isn’t happening. I just went on StubHub and bought one so pony up, dicks.
“All races partying having a good time and enjoying themselves together peacefully.” That’s what we’re about. Waka we should totally chill. Return my texts.