Comedian Will Forte Busted Ass Getting On A Booze Cruise And Got An Infection So Gnarly He Had To Go To the E.R.

During a tropical vacation with SNL‘s Colin Jost and comedy writer John Solon, Will Forte decided to hit the booze cruise. While boarding the boat he busted ass walking up the plank and tore his knee open. Without any major bruising and no broken bones, Will Forte assumed that his bloody knee would heal in good time and all would be right in the world…He was wrong.

Flash forward to a few weeks later and the knee still hasn’t healed. His entire leg is piping hot and inflamed because of a raging infection that’s spread from the cut throughout his leg, stretching nearly from his ankle to his knee. His friend and fellow co-star on Last Man on Earth forced him to go to the emergency room and address his gnarly knee. Which, while we’re on the topic, if you gentlemen aren’t watching Last Man on Earth yet then you need to get on that NOW because it’s morphed into the funniest show on television, in my humble opinion.

Anyways, it was ultimately the bacteria infested sea water that did Will Forte in. There are some vicious bacteria out there in the world that wants nothing more than to sink into your open wounds and fuck your life up. So it’s always advisable to clean out your wounds as thoroughly as possible when you’re hanging in the saltwater.

Honestly, everything about this story from Will Forte reminds me of myself. This is an injury I’m SHOCKED that I haven’t had before, only I have had this in various forms throughout my years on this planet, just not in recent years. I think I was 14 the last time I had to go to the E.R. for an infected cut sustained from boating, but I’m right there with Will on this. I was young and figured the saltwater would clean up the wound…I was wrong.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at