Kanye West Allegedly Punches Out Man at Chiropractor’s Office

With that out of the way, allegedly Kanye West just attacked an 18-year-old kid inside the waiting room of a Beverly Hills chiropractor's office. It all began when Kim Kardashian walked into the office swarmed by paparazzi. An unidentified 18-year-old—of whom there are no photos even though he stood in a “swarm” of cameramen—politely offered to hold the door open for Kardashian. The kid commiserated with Kim about the overbearing paps. “Fuck these fa**ot-ass n****rs,” he said, which is totally a thing you say to a person you don't know.

Kardashian said it wasn't cool to use the n-word. The kid/human-YouTube-comment yelled back, “Fuck you, bitch. Just trying to help you. Shut up, n****r lover, stupid slut.” Which caused Kardashian to allegedly call Kanye for backup. (Even though she undoubtedly had at least one bodyguard at the scene.)

Kanye then arrived and decked the kid. “We have it all on tape!” Kim yelled, again according to TMZ. Police then arrived, and the 18-year-old said he wants to sue. End scene. We'll see if tape ever shows up.

Until then, I'm having a pretty tough time believing any of it.