On Wednesday we brought you the story of a mom who after accidentally stumbling on to Vince Staples’ song “Norf Norf” on the radio decided to take to YouTube and have complete meltdown while reading the lyrics to the song.
Like, she literally almost lost her mind.
“I’ll never listen to that radio station again, ever. I am shaking. I cannot believe that was on our local radio station. Top hits. Top hits! I just don’t understand why they think that’s okay?”
One way or another Vince Staples managed to see that video and rather than continue to pile on like most people on the internet did (her rant was turned into an auto-tuned rap of its own), he said he didn’t find any of it funny at all.
Speaking to The Independent, Staples said, “It’s not right to attack someone over their stance, their opinions, and their religion. I think that’s very immature.”
“We already have a lot of issues between black and white relations in this country based on misunderstandings. In my eyes, she doesn’t look like a racist. She doesn’t look like a mean person. But it’s not very responsible for people to try to take that and jump, looking for some sort of commentary on these issues [in the community].”
He continued later with his thoughts on the subject on Twitter…
Damn, Vince, that was deep. I almost feel bad now for laughing at her.
H/T Uproxx