Yesterday I brought you news that over 1,000 musicians in Cesena, Italy had met up in a field to cover ‘Learn to Fly’ by the Foo Fighters, all in hopes of wooing Dave Grohl and the lesser known fighters of foo into coming to Italy to play a concert. In my write up yesterday I was admittedly skeptical that the Foo Fighters would acquiesce to the ‘Rockin’ 1000′ project and go play that concert in Italy. The source of my skepticism was that the ‘Rockin’ 1000′ project was based on the Foo Fighters playing a concert in Richmond (their hometown) after fans crowdfunded it and sold $60k in tickets.
That was a very unique situation, the Foo Fighters hadn’t played a concert in their hometown since the 90’s, and the tickets were already sold. This time around it was just 1,000 musicians getting together to cover a Foo Fighters song in hopes that they’d travel across the pond and play a concert in Italy…Well, it worked. Dave Grohl fired off these tweets from the Foo Fighters official Twitter account, all but confirming the impending concert in Italy:
Ci vediamo a presto, Cesena…. xxx Davide @rockin_1000
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) July 31, 2015
Che bello, Cesena…. #Rockin1000
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) July 30, 2015
So, who’s gonna buy tickets when they go on sale and scalp them to drive up the prices for those greedy Italians?