One of the great stressors in life is fear of financial insecurity, which can arise from an unexpected increase in expenses or a reduced income — it’s even worse if you lose your job! Don’t even get us started on how challenging the job hunt is, and finding one you actually enjoy, at that.
Thankfully, LazyApply Job Application can help you scan the job market to find openings, making it a must-have app for anyone seeking employment. Whether it’s your first job or you’re seeking a change, LazyApply can help you by automating the application process. Best of all, a lifetime membership is on sale for only $67.
can help you send hundreds of applications in a fraction of the time it would ordinarily take to apply.
LazyApply casts a wider net when you’re searching for a job. The app is not a database of its listings. Instead, it helps you apply on job boards that already exist, such as LinkedIn and Indeed. What sets LazyApply apart is that it allows you to apply to hundreds of jobs with a single click, a fraction of the time it would ordinarily take you to send applications individually. This helps you get your resume in front of way more potential employers.
And users love how much time the app saves them, giving it an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 on the Chrome Web Store. One user shared, “I can apply number of jobs and platform with a click. This is a super time saving extension and will recommend it to my friends also.”
Take control of your future in these uncertain times with the ultimate job searching tool. Right now, you can get a lifetime subscription to LazyApply Job Application for $67, or 93% off.

LazyApply Job Application: Lifetime Subscription – $67
Prices subject to change.