Here Are The Apps That Drain Your Android Phone Battery The Fastest And Are Ruining Its Performance

Ever wonder why your Android phone battery is always getting used up too fast? It could be one of these apps that is the culprit.

In a new study by AVG, they have uncovered some apps that are not only battery hogs, they also point out which apps are killing your phone’s performance the most.

They’ve broken them down by apps that run at startup and apps triggered by users.

Naturally, Facebook is near the top, but we know you won’t EVER be able to use it less, right?

Here are the top 10 performance hogs, both those that kick in at startup and those initialized by users…

Again, no real surprises with Facebook and it’s buddy Instagram slowing your phone down, and there’s our buddies Snapchat and Spotify as well.

I guess, based on this data, the only real solution is to STOP USING YOUR PHONE SO MUCH.

Nah, never gonna happen.

H/T Unilad; Phone image: Bloomua /

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Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.