In Partnership Withffups

Mmmmm New Snack Food – Get FFUPS For 40% Off This Labor Day Weekend

Welp, it looks like summer 2022 is almost in the books. We’re officially at Labor Day Weekend – the last shebang for the season, then it’s full steam ahead on football season for the next 23 weeks of the year.

Football season = snack food season. Wings, pizza, burgers, dips, hoagies, BBQ. It’s a time for gluttonous feasting. Rather than those tired old cheese puffs on game day, level up your munchies this year with FFUPS.

So what the heck are FFUPs? FFUPS (which is “puffs” spelled backward… and wrong) is an extremely craveable new snack food option. They pride themselves on taste, flavor, and a one-of-a-kind crunch.

Available for delivery via, these are decadent cheese puffs, designed for cheese puff-heads. You can’t miss the brightly-colored packages, complete with a creamy late ’70s vibe.

Right now is the best time to order a pack. Use code SUMMER40 at checkout via for what might be the greatest sale in snacking history.

We’re not talking about gas station-quality cheese puffs here, people.

  • Grocery Store Cheddar – The old staple, reenvisioned with an extremely craveable twist: Loads of cheddar.
  • Semi-Historic Sour Cream & Onion – Who says sour cream and onion only belongs on potato chips? It’s a delicious seasoning on puffs too. This is how you keep the old boys club in the snack food Illuminati on their toes. Beat the gatekeepers at their own game.

  • Professional Salt & Vinegar – Like classic boardwalk french fries, it mixes the tangy of malt vinegar with a salty crunch.

  • Unambiguous Cinnamon Toast – Remember watching cartoons on Saturday morning while gorging on bowls of cinnamon sugar cereal? It’s like the puffs version of that – Impossible to put down. They’re kind of like mini-churros, with the perfect crunch.

  • Instant Hot Chocolate – Classic hot cocoa powder… on puffs? It hits the sweet tooth without an overwhelming sugar crash, with a pinch of chocolate and marshmallow.

Warning: If you’re prone to snack attacks, FFUPS will get ‘ya every time.

Remember – Use code SUMMER40 at checkout via!


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: