Bros! For some of you, back to school time is on the horizon. Life will soon transition from beaching it and bro-ing out to trying not to fall asleep in History 101. This is life.
And while we can’t help you stay awake, we want to make the stresses of going back to school a little more manageable by presenting you with an awesome deal on something every student needs: a backpack.
The Herschel Supply Pop Quiz Backpack is a can’t miss choice. It’s classy, it’s practical, it’s versatile, it’s affordable. It also has a fleece-lined padded pocket within it specifically for your laptop. I bought a Herschel last year and it’s as good as new a year later. And I’m a reckless savage.
Don’t be that dude with a grungy-ass backpack. Chicks notice that kind of stuff. So check the first thing off your back to school checklist and BUY IT NOW by following the link below.
Colors come in black, grey, navy, cameo, black, and buffalo plaid.
The Herschel Supply Pop Quiz Backpack
And while you’re at it, be sure to check out items previously featured in the BroBible Deal of the Day. Whether it be a ‘Don’t Be A Richard’ trucker hat or a quad-beer bong, these items will surely increase your level of bro-ness.