If you’re like me then there are few things in life that you hate as much as wasting money on a badass Halloween costume that you’re only going to wear ONCE. Several years ago I made the switch from a full blown costume to a t-shirt I knew would suffice, and then of course I come across this ‘Netflix and Chill’ shirt from the bros over at American As Fuck and suddenly I find myself buying a new costume substitute t-shirt.
Seriously, this novel take on the ‘Netflix and Chill’ meme is all you need to get laid this Halloween. You don’t need to drop $$$$$ on a Cecil the Lion Doctor costume when you can spend $23.95 on this amazing shirt that’s substituted ‘AND CHILL’ in place of the Netflix logo. It gets your point across for the night: you’re not trying to practice abstinence. It’s also rather humorous, which is a quite rare in the novelty t-shirt game these days. Furthermore, if you really dig this shirt you can also buy the matching hoodie AND party tank!
There is one catch though: supplies are limited. So if you dig this shirt then I suggest pulling the trigger RIGHT NOW and buying it for the low, low price of just $23.95!!! Also, the party tank runs $25.95 and the hoodie runs $39.95.
The ‘Netflix And Chill’ From American As Fuck: $23.95