YouTube - Pagani Automobili
The annual Pagani Raduno, which was first held way back in 2004, might just be the most expensive car rally in the entire world. That’s not really a stretch to say either considering the most expensive car in the world just happens to be a Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta.
That, and the fact that most Pagani hypercars will run you somewhere in the $2 million to, well, $17.5 million, range.
The Pagani Raduno, aka “The Vanishing Point,” held every year in Italy, is an annual gathering where Pagani owners from all over the world get together to laugh at how freaking rich they are. I mean, to take their cars for a (fast) spin on some of the best roads in the country and hang out together while everyone stops and stares at the sheer amount of power and money on display wherever they end up.
As you can see from the pictures and videos below, this is a definite must-see even should you ever happen to be in Italy when one of these events, hosted by Horacio Pagani and his family, is taking place.