That old cloth stocking you have hanging on the mantle is tired and boring, and it is time you stepped into the future with Santa’s Stocking Flask. This is a hanging stocking flask in the shape of your traditional red stocking with white trimming, only instead of being stuffed full of breath mints and candy it’s full of booze. Santa’s Stocking Flask holds 2.25-liters of grandpa’s cough medicine, and it only costs $11 if you buy it today!
While college students around the US play Slap the Bag to ring in the new year in darkness, elves up in the North Pole are Slapping the Stocking to celebrate another Christmas success. This year, however, the elves are sending stockings down south before the holidays to liven up all your festivities! These BPA-free stocking-shaped flasks will be the hit of the holiday party, although we don’t recommend bringing them to your CEO’s house.
— Fill Santa’s Stocking w/ your favorite liquor, wine, or beer & then just pour it out the tap
— Bring the party to a fever pitch w/ 2.25 liters of drank
— Start the exchange war at your next White Elephant by putting this flask in the mix
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