What do women want? Well…we may never know, but a good guess is always “shoes.” Whether they’re on their feet or someone else’s, the ladies are always looking. Guys don’t be fooled. When you go out: morning, noon and night; a girl will always notice what you are keeping on those dogs of yours. Here are few good choices to always keep in your closet for any situation.
1. Longwing shoes brown/black. Starting with maybe the most important choice. A good pair of Longwings can go the distance. You can wear this shoe with just about anything and in any situation, from a casual pair of jeans to a stylish pair of chinos and even a suit. Steer clear of super formal events or occasions. The conservative in them may not understand.
2. Canvas/Leather low-cut utility sneakers. Something casual you can always feel comfortable in, especially if you get caught up in a situation or a place where you need casual to pass for classy.
3. Espadrilles. These can be a bit of a mystery for guys. Trust yourself and more importantly trust the smiles and looks you are getting from those girls checking you out. This is an extremely comfortable alternative to boat shoes or even flip flops, especially if you’re walking a city campus or an urban area. No girl wants to see your dirty flip flop feet at the end of a long day.
4. Bowery Boots are must…well, at least for me. These rugged classics just get it done every time. They are completely utilitarian and can also be worn with just about anything. Plus, for all the students on a budget out there, these only get better with age. You will have them and wear them for years.
5. Training Sneakers. It’s not easy to pick from these days. With an array of stylish tech sneakers out there to choose from, where do you go? Try choosing some that you’ll have no problem going from a killer gym session and then straight to the pub for cold one.
6. Black Oxfords. This is for all the upcoming college grads and this is important. Always have a pair of Oxfords ready to assist you in getting that first job. Trust me when I say “it matters.” These are a classic and they work every time. Remember to stay away from the slip-ons, they’re not acceptable in a business setting and always remember to polish. Do not look as if you just came from a mud-run.
Bros, let’s face it. Most everything we do in life, we do for the women in some roundabout way. Don’t neglect your feet, a good, thoughtful shoe goes a long way. It just may be the difference between getting the girl, getting the job and getting where you want to go.
Enjoy, until next time.