In Partnership WithManscaped

You Should Be So Lucky to Find The Manscaped Dome Shaver™ Plus In Your Stocking This Christmas

Manscaped Dome Shaver Plus

Dan Shapiro

Work is slammed these days. It’s straight-up crazy at the office heading into the holidays. With Christmas rapidly approaching, free time is at an all-time low, and it’s been weeks since I’ve been able to find even a single moment to bust out the clippers and buzz my scruff. Almost serendipitously, the Manscaped Dome Shaver™ Plus arrives in the mail, and now it’s time to trim it up, shave it down, and keep things nice and neat up top.


Setting the scene

It’s been a hectic couple of months since my rendezvous with the Manscaped Dome Shaver™ Pro. Summer went by in a flash, followed by a busy and chaotic Autumn, which gave way to Halloween, and eventually Thanksgiving.

Consistently pulling overtime in the office, I’ve basically limited haircuts to once a month at this point. Every three weeks tops. But with Christmas time near, I need to keep my pate shorn and presentable for the nearly half dozen events and functions I have coming up.

Fortunately, the Dome Shaver™ Plus has all the horsepower and functionality to streamline my life and my look. It really only takes 5-10 minutes.



Comparing shavers

Opening up the well-designed and slick packaging, I’m once again greeted with a snappy and accurate catchphrase emblazoned on the box, “Bald looks good on you,” reads the metallic golden lettering, and I couldn’t agree with the product designers and copywriters at Manscaped any more than I do at this moment.

Tearing open the cardboard strip, I instantly notice some of the key differences between the Dome Shaver™ Plus model and its Pro counterpart. To the naked eye, the smaller size of this Plus version is immediately apparent. As is the four-blade design, down one double-track blade head from the Pro’s five-blade configuration. This is the most impactful difference between the two products.

The Plus model also features fewer bells and whistles, as Manscaped has limited the accessories on this one, removing the padded carrying case and the charging brick. Still, it comes with a trusty USB to USB-C cable for charging, which is essentially technologically universal in 2024.


Down to the skin

After inspecting the product, I fully charged the Manscaped Dome Shaver™ Plus and snapped on the removable blades.

With a bit more growth than usual around the sides of this skirted egg, I put the Plus model from Manscaped to the test. And, while the four blades need a bit more time to handle my hairline than the Pro version, the Dome Shaver™ Plus still did the job, shearing my hair down to the smooth, smooth skin.

Honestly, the user experience of the Plus is roughly the same as its predecessor.


The fine details

Much like Pro, the Dome Shaver™ Plus does have its limitations, in particular near the ear and the top of the sideburn region. It’s one of those sections that’s a little more difficult to reach given the circular design of the blades.

Luckily, for this season of holiday parties, I’m taking the beard off completely, so there’s no need to worry about this harder-to-reach area. It’s all coming off today!

Shaving and shaving and shaving away, I’m quickly reminded of one of my favorite features: the ease of cleanup. The Dome Shaver™ Plus features a nearly identically waterproof hair chamber. Just like the Pro model, the Plus effectively traps more than 97% of all hair clippings, which greatly speeds up cleanup on the back end.


In summation…

After just one use, the Dome Shaver™ Plus is giving me plenty of reason to consider switching to this model, at least over the next few weeks, during which I’ll be using it every third day to keep things looking sharp.

Again, this latest model from Manscaped probably won’t become my regular head-shaving apparatus, but it has its time and place, especially as a travel companion and a new addition to my dopp kit.

And now for the finishing touch, a dollop of Manscaped’s aloe and citrus Dome Soother for some nice and cool after-shave relief.


Dan Shapiro is a writer, editor, musician, and producer currently based in Los Angeles. In addition to covering some of the biggest fights in combat sports history, he’s also hunted down the world’s best sushi, skied the northern hemisphere in July, and chronicled Chinese underground music for publications like CNN, the New York Daily News, VICE, and Time Out. Dan also conjured up a ghost at the Chateau Marmont while out on assignment for RoadTrippers. Follow him on X/Twitter here.