Farrah Abraham is not known for having tact, brains or common sense; she’s known for making a fake “leaked” sex tape and getting knocked up at 16, followed by creating her own line of sex toys. Real doozy over here. Sort of like how Lena Dunham is known for being annoying and taking her clothes off all the time, except some people actually like Dunham and she does it for “art” whereas Abraham is universally panned and does it for “$$$.”
At any rate, I’d like to say that this is a “new low” for Farrah, except it really isn’t. Making a stripper joke in the caption of a photo of your child? Par for the course, really. Only shocking thing about it is that she managed to refrain from dressing up her daughter in nipple tassels compliment the caption:
As could be predicted by anyone, the comments on her photo aren’t exactly raving about how great of a mom Farrah is:
Nor are the replies to the tweet she sent out linking to her Instagram:
@F1abraham WOW! Did you seriously just say that? You are very sick, Farrah! GET HELP! I worry for your daughter's safety. SMH
— Shari (@Shari_In_Pa) May 2, 2016
@F1abraham I hope someone sees this crap in person or hears your tirades and calls family services.
— Aimee WldBluYonder (@wldbluyonder) May 2, 2016
Sad when you're so hard up for attention that you'll use your child to get it. She's a person, not a game piece in your fucked up life.
— Kristy Rodgers (@KristydRodgers) May 2, 2016
— Jordan Boward (@zebra_jordan961) May 2, 2016
@F1abraham you saying some parents can't be parents or do t well? Well look in the mirror little girl you still haven't master it yet
— atlangel3 (@SharonAtlangel3) May 2, 2016
@F1abraham its so crazy how u can say so few get it right. I pray for ur daughter cuz u got messing her up right. But that's all. #sosick
— Rebecca Sekinger (@aguilerasek) May 2, 2016
@F1abraham inappropriate 😕
— Jill Dehoey (@DehoeyJill) May 2, 2016
And yet there was one, lone wolf who had the balls to say what everyone else was too afraid to bring up:
And WHOOP there it is.
[H/T InTouch]