Eva Marie and Maryse might have the best Instagram accounts out of all of the WWE Divas (as they proved the other day), but we best not be sleeping on NXT superstar Emma here.
We have already seen in the past that few women in WWE look as amazing as she does in a bikini. More than once, in fact.
Which is why I don’t understand why she is still toiling away in NXT instead of up on the main WWE roster. Don’t get me wrong, NXT is far more fun to watch than Raw or Smackdown these days. But Emma used to be on the main roster so I don’t know what she did to get demoted.
I guess what I am saying is, if WWE were to put her back on one of their main shows I don’t see how what you’re about to view below would do anything but increase their ratings.
More proof that Emma has the hottest body in WWE…