I’m Pulling Hard For Gorgeous U.S. Olympic Diver Kassidy Cook In Rio (23 Pics)

Kassidy Cook is one U.S. Olympian who you should definitely have your eyes on. This 21-year-old diver hails from The Woodlands, Texas, but is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil competing in the Olympics. She barely missed out on the 2012 Olympics by a mere half a point. Since then she has undergone three surgeries on her shoulder and knee.

Since then she bounced back and won two national titles on springboard in 2015 and earned a silver medal in synchronized springboard at the Puerto Rico Grand Prix competition in April.

You won’t see the Cook competing in the Olympics until Friday, August 12, at 2:30 p.m. in the 3m springboard diving event. But, we’ll give you a sneak peek at how insanely talented she is.

She looks determined.

That all-world Olympic body doesn’t come without a shit-ton of hard work.

Here she is chilling with Kevin Durant and Draymond Green. (Word to the wise, you might not want to be friends with Draymond on Snapchat)

She even plays tetherball!

And she double-fists? She is certainly marriage material.


Lucky dogs!

Abs and labs.

Gosh she cleans up real nice.

And she must be smart if she’s attending Stanford.

Pretty in pink.


Suns out buns out indeed.



The alluring Kassidy seems up for anything and very flexible.


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