Who wants to achieve physical fitness through a dedicated exercise regimen and careful eating? No one, that’s who. Wouldn’t you rather dress up like a zombie and burn calories off on your feverish hunt for brains, or conquer an obstacle course with obstacle names like ‘Arctic Enema?’ Sure you would. That’s why we’ve put together a list of kick-ass physical events that are sure to blow your mind, and benefit your bod.
6. Urban Dare
Whereas some races test your mental endurance by pitting you against the elements and terrifying promises of pain, Urban Dare is a part-trivia, part-photo hunt, part-mental and physical challenge race. Teams of two solve clues to discover where they need to go next, then take photos or perform dares with the use of their smart friends and their smart phones’ help. Walking, running and public transportation can be used. A portion of the proceeds go to the hosting city’s food banks to feed the hungry.
Check out dates and locations.
5. The Walking Dead Escape
Launched at San Diego Comic-Con wayyyy back in 2012, this immersive zombie racing experience is on tour at various U.S. locations. The Escape can be enjoyed in one of three formats. Survivors can navigate the course (climbing, crawling, and sliding) and avoid the undead in approximately 45 minutes of madness. Walkers get a professional make-up session, official Walker training and 90 minutes to stalk the course and frighten the living daylights out of Survivors. VIPs can run the course twice, first as a Survivor, then as a Walker. They also receive a special edition comic book, lounge access and behind-the-scenes access for the event. Ever flavor comes with access to the official Waking Dead Escape FanFest (with music, food and drink, official merchandise, photo ops and vendors), and a cold beer.
Check out dates and locations.
4. Warrior Dash
The Warrior Dash isn’t called the “world’s largest obstacle race series,” without reason; it’s held in more than 50 locations in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Participants take on a 3-plus mile course and 12-obstacle Battleground, and then celebrate with smoked turkey legs, steins of cold beer and live music at the Warriors’ after-party. Obstacles include the likes of Alcatraz, a multi-layer expanse of rope and water; Goliath, a climbing, balancing and sliding obstacle; and the chest-deep, barbed-wire-from-above Muddy Mayhem.
Check out dates and locations.
3. The Zombie Run
The zombie-infested 5K fun run is a race through chemical spill zones, car crashes and other awesome apocalyptic shit as you run from Zombies who are on the hunt for brains. Humans start with a life belt, and can take multiple hits before they’re goners. The Zombie Run comes in three flavors: the original Zombie Run, the Zombie Run Extreme, and the Zombie Run Black Ops. The Extreme is 3-plus miles with around 10 obstacles. Black Ops is 3-plus miles, 300 zombies and 10 obstacles including fire, smoke and mud in the black of night. The Run is followed by a night of camping (at some locations/dates) with bonfires, food and beverages.
Check out dates and locations.
2. Spartan Race
The Spartan Race is a serious race, for serious men and women who fancy themselves as tough as the ancient Spartans. It comes in three versions. The Spartan Sprint features 3 muddy miles and 15 obstacles. The Spartan Super features 8 miles of bonkers terrain and 20 obstacles. The Spartan Beast is 12 miles and 25 obstacles of pure mental, physical, and spiritual torture. Did we say torture? We meant challenge. Accomplish all three for the holy “Trifecta.”
Check out dates and locations.
1. Tough Mudder
Endurance and adventure unite at Tough Mudder, an event series for complete and total badasses. Their 10-12 mile-long untimed obstacle courses were designed by members of British Special Forces to test both physical strength and mental mettle. Obstacles are tough for sure, but so are the mind-fucks of dealing with fire, water, electricity, and heights. Teamwork is the name of the game here. Some obstacles include Boa Constrictor, where participants crawl through a series of pipes downhill through muddy water and then back uphill, playing on fears of small spaces. Electroshock Therapy features live fires over a field of mud you have to crawl under. Walk the Plank is a high jump from a 15-foot platform into freezing water below.
Check out dates and locations.
Spartan Race image: John Ramspott, Flickr
Warrior Dash image: The U.S. Army, Flickr
Tough Mudder image: DVIDSHUB, Flickr