These two black bears are fighting like a pair of drunk Irish brothers, and for some poor home owner in Rockaway, New Jersey they’ve completely destroyed his yard.
Why are these bears fighting? My best guess is that it involves a picnic basket full of whisky and summer sausages. One thing is for certain though, these black bears are NOT merely play fighting. Though neither seems fully intent on inflicting lasting damage on the other, it’s more of a posturing match. Maybe there’s overcrowding in Rockaway, and they’re trying to stake their claim on the picnic baskets before it’s too late.
And I don’t know if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to see two fully grown bears brawling in the middle of a residential neighborhood, or have ever wanted to see such a thing, but that’s exactly what you’re about to see. Afterwards scroll down for some of the more choice GIFs:
via @JukinMedia
And now for the decisive moments in GIF:
Using the high ground to your advantage….
What is this, a fuckin’ game of ‘kissy face’..whatever the hell that is?
Is it just me or does this look like some sort of bear mating ritual?
Aaaaaand we’re done here
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