We all know that fast food restaurants are basically selling us garbage to dump into our bodies, but according to a thread on Reddit between a group of fast food workers, it’s much worse than we could ever imagine.
Of course some of these could just be disgruntled fast food restaurant employees or just the interpretation of one specific location.
I’m really just trying to justify my love of Taco Bell at this point.
Check out these 14 disgusting admissions by fast food restaurant employees regarding the menu items customers should never, ever order. Enjoy your lunch!
Einstein’s Bagels
I worked at Einstein’s bagel place, which is basically fast food. Don’t order anything with eggs, they aren’t real eggs and if business is slow they could have been sitting in a container for hours after they are microwaved.
Taco Bell
I worked at taco bell a little bit ago and I warn everyone to stay away from both the beans, and the steak. The beans start out looking like cat food, and the directions are, “Add water and stir until you can’t see white anymore.” The steak was just the worst on dish duty. If it would sit too long it would become like hair gel. It was the worst.
The turkey is 60% turkey, the rest being chicken and turkey flavoring. Also the seafood sensation has no crab in it, it’s just coloring to make it orange and flavoring to make it taste like crab. It’s actually fish.
Dunkin’ Donuts
Currently employed at Dunkin Donuts and it’s sad but true all the doughnuts and baked goods there come to us frozen.
Waffle House
Do NOT eat the grits. Most of the time they sit there for hours on end. All we do is stir hot water in every couple of hours. Also keep in mind the grits at most Waffle Houses are kept by the burner’s eyes, which means a bunch of stuff falls in there and never get cleaned out.
Once I saw what the ‘roast beef’ looked like before we cooked it, I never ate it again. It is a gelatinous mass with chunks of meat in it. Literally a paste with chunks of meat. The chicken is kosher though.
Don’t get those gas station Slurpee’s. The amount of mold in those machines would crush your childhood to a pulp.
Movie Theaters
I worked at a theater, don’t get popcorn for the first showing- that’s all just last night’s popcorn put into giant garbage bags and then reheated in the warmers in the morning.
Oh yeah and remember that sticky floor in the aisle of the theater? Well what do you think would happen if you had that at your house. YES THAT’S HOW YOU GET ANTS… and cockroaches, and everything else. Plus it’s in the dark most of the time. It’s like a bug buffet once the lights go out and the movie starts.
Taco Johns
Taco Johns reporting for all you Midwesterners. I would steer clear of the beans, at least outside of peak hours, because they sit on the hot table for a long long time and when they dry out, just add water. Everything else is pretty solid though. Worked there a couple years back in 2007-2009 and still love going back to get my fix.
I used to work at McDonalds. If you order, especially chicken nuggets, just ask for them fresh. Otherwise they’ve been just sitting in their container in the heat. They have a timer, but 9/10 times when that timer goes off, people just reset the timer instead of making new ones. This could go on until all the nuggets are sold.
I used to work at Wendy’s. The meat used in the chili, yeah that comes from the meat on the grill top that expires and dries up that’s put in to a warming drawer until you have enough for a batch of chili, which we first freeze and then thaw the next day. Also if the chili sitting in the warmer doesn’t sell fast enough we just added hot water to it to mix it up.
Stadium Hot Dogs
I used to work in a baseball park concession stand. The short answer is not to order anything, but if you absolutely have to buy something, don’t buy the hotdogs.
Do not. Buy. The Hot Dogs.
They made it out of the package okay, and might even have been edible after we finished grilling them – and then they went into the water. We kept three pans of water at the back of the grill that held the hot dogs. Any hot dogs left at the end of the day went back into the fridge, and came out again the next day.
Panera- pasta; it’s all microwaved, including the mac and cheese. Smoothies/frozen drinks- nasty base crap that smells and it’s sticky. Cupcakes/coffee cakes- all come frozen. Best items are the real sandwich/salads. Real ingredients and usually fresh.
Little Caesars
Some franchises are different, but I wouldn’t order any Crazy Bread, Jalapeño Bread, or Italian Bread. The shit they dress it with out the oven is NOT butter; it’s some nasty imitation that comes in a huge bottle and does not need to be refrigerated. Also, Hot-N-Readys and Chicken Wings have been known to sit in the warmer for hours at a time until sold.