Some people cannot take care of their nice things, and other people treat the most menial of objects as priceless artifacts. This guy seems to fall somewhere in between that spectrum.
I’m assuming this is the mechanic, and he’s driven this vintage Ford Mustang convertible into the shop and forgot to put it in gear, or set the parking break, which is a major no-no. The car then begins to reverse backwards out of control, with the door open, and the mechanic springs into gear.
He first closes the door at the last nanosecond, preventing it from getting knocked off from the backwards force of the car, and saving himself a shit ton of money on repairs. Then he manages to hope in the front seat and stop the car microseconds before it rubs up against another car parked out in the lot, again saving himself a ton in repairs. Some pretty white-knuckle shit here if you’re a gear-head or a mechanic, and impressive that he was able to turn a disastrous situation into a cool clip on the Internet:
And now for the two near catastrophic saves in GIF:
This Is The Fastest Import Car Ever Made, 0-240MPH In 6.05 Seconds, A New World Record
The Future Is NOW: Hoverboards Are Officially A Reality
The Ultimate Dash Cam FAIL Compilation You’ve Been Waiting For