This isn’t your grandma’s applesauce recipe, unless of course Nana made hers with Fireball Whisky. It’s 100x better than anything you’ll find in a snack pack. Just don’t send your kids to school with Fireball Whisky Applesauce or they might drunk and profess their love for the teacher during recess. Given recent history, that could be the start of a beautiful relationship, but it’s better not to go down that path.
Applesauce might be one of the easiest foods you can make. All you really need is a pot, some apples, and a grinder. Adding sugar, cinnamon, and Fireball are equally easy ways to make your childhood favorite even better.
Start by soaking your apples in a pot, paint bucket, or golf bag full of water for about 30 minutes. Clean them as needed, but I swear to god if you leave one more sticker on a piece of fruit, we’re done here.
Remove the stems and slice the apples into 8ths. My grandma never removed the seeds or core because she thought chewing on the heart of an apple is what made you a man. I tend to believe her. Feel free to get rid of them if you must though.
Put all the apple slices in a large empty pot. The don’t need to be neatly arranged or separated like an 8th grade dance. Just toss them in and add one cup of Fireball Whisky. It’s not going to look like enough liquid, but it’s plenty.
Bring it to a boil then cover the pot and reduce to a simmer for about 30 minutes. Stir occasionally, but gently as to not break up the apples. They’re having a rough day already; don’t be rude.
Drain the liquid from the pot. I saved some to try as a shot, and it was actually pretty good. It reminded me of the Peeps Infused Vodka I made, not in taste but as an unexpectedly delicious outcome.
Now comes the part for which you’ve been training since you were eight. Pour the apples into a food mill/grinder and go to town on the crank until the mushy slices re-appear below as delicious applesauce.
Add sugar and cinnamon to taste (fact: you can’t actually tast cinnamon), but remember that Fireball already has cinnamon in it so you shouldn’t need much. Warm Fireball Whisky Applesauce is amazing, so eat as much as humanly possible at this point. It’s still better than Mott’s the next day, but something about it being freshly made and hot is a different level of delicious.
Whisky is the “water of life” so Fireball Whisky Applesauce is probably the healthiest thing you’ll ever eat. The only thing stopping you right now is most likely the lack of a grinder (for food), but they’re only $25-30 and well worth it for a lifetime of drunken applesauce. Go get one and start making this delicoius applesauce. Family gatherings will never be the same again.
- 6 Jonathon Apples (I used Granny Smith out necessity and added extra sugar)
- 6 McIntosh Apples
- 8 oz Fireball Cinnamon Whisky
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Soak apples in water-holding vessel and brush as needed to get clean
- Take shot of Fireball while waiting
- Slice clean apples and put into big soup pot (do not remove skin, core, seeds).
- Add 1 cup of Fireball to pot, bring to boil.
- Cover pot and reduce to simmer for about 30 min. (don’t let the apples burn).
- Remove mushy apples and using food mill / grinder turn them into sauce.
- Add sugar to taste (1/4 cup-ish) and cinnamon to taste (1 tsp-ish).
- Consume as much applesauce as possible. Consider chugging from funnel.
- Take victory shot of apple-infused Fireball used to cook.