Have the years left you feeling a little down about that rotund figure you’re sporting these days? Well, you’re not alone. Here’s you’re new anthem: I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore.
According to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine in March of 2000, the body weight of adult males (ages 25-44) increases an average of 3.4% year over year. So if you’re not rocking the washboard abs of yesteryear, just remember that you’re not along.
And not only are you not alone in your weight gain, there’s also now a glorious anthem for we fatties who don’t look as good behind closed doors as we used to. This tune from The Snake Oil Willie Band titled ‘I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore’ might be the song of 2014. But don’t take my word for it, give it a listen in all its fatty glory…
If you’re interested, you can download it off iTunes from Snake Oil Willie’s website here.
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