Last week, Erika Christensen showed off some lingerie on Parenthood—and now you know that. Here’s what you need to watch tonight.
Parks & Recreation @ 8pm, NBC: Back-to-back episodes tonight and then, ugh, they’re going on hiatus for the rest of the year. The ‘Peacock’ has no idea what they’re doing.
White Collar @ 9pm, USA: Did you know that Tiffani Amber-Thiessen was on this show? Well, you do now.
Colts-Titans @ 8:25pm, NFL: The Colts are the most perplexing team in the NFL. Beat the Broncos one week, get sodomized by the Rams another week. Huh?
Parenthood @ 10pm, NBC: Does Julia cheat on Joel? I’m going with yes. Also, yes, she’s hot.
Jimmy Kimmel Live @ 11:35pm, ABC: David Blaine’s on tonight and David Blaine is not of this world.