Tianlang Guan assessed 1-stroke penalty for slow play at Masters

Tianlang Guan, the 14-year-old Chinese golf sensation, was just assessed a one-stroke penalty at the Masters for slow play. Guan finished his round with a 75 and is +4 for the tourney. The cut is projected at +6 but that may change as more players tee off.

According to the GOLF channel, Guan was given several warnings and several opportunities to speed up play. Finally on the 17th hole, officials were forced to assess the penalty.


His playing partner, Matteo Manassero, spoke about Guan after the round.

“He’s been, by the timings, he’s been slow. He was just, sometimes, he had the right club, his caddie would pull the club for him and he was sure—but to be sure in his mind he would ask one more question, one extra question.”

“But from my point of view, I didn’t get so much affected by it because I was hitting last. It didn’t feel too slow for me.”

Should this stroke result in Guan missing the cut, expect a huge uproar. This borders on international incident.