1. “Don’t like us? Blame our parents.”
…millennials have grown into adulthood with some personality problems that the boomers lacked, according to psychologists who measure such things, including high rates of narcissism, materialism, unrealistically inflated expectations and a startling lack of independence
…many experts lay the blame for some of these problems at the feet of the parents, specifically those who bought into the then-popular “everybody gets a trophy” school of child-raising—showering their kids with positive affirmations and telling them they could be anything they wanted to be, says Twenge, also the author of “Generation Me”.
If you watch Mad Men, you'll notice the parents aren't very into parenting. Our parents (Bobby Draper grown up) therefore decided to do the exact opposite. Them being very involved meant them telling us how much of the shit we were. The argument here is that the combination of them being very involved + them having all the money that we aren't making, has created the circumstances we see today.
2. “Never mind Occupy Wall Street. We want to be the 1%.”
They may have been the poster children for the Occupy Wall Street movement (at least when it first started), railing against the wealthiest 1% of Americans, but some studies suggest millennials may be the most aspirational generation yet.
As demonstrated by our love of 80's themed parties, we also want to live like it was then:
3. “Republicans just don’t ‘get’ us.”
According to many political campaign analysts, President Obama has the millennials to thank for his job: Young voters hit the polls in droves during the 2008 election and most cast their ballots for him. And in 2012, 60% of millennials ages 18 to 29 voted for Obama; only 37% voted for Romney, according to exit polls by the National Election Pool. Voters over 40, on the other hand, were more likely to vote for Romney.
In a huge shocker, young people are liberal.
4. “You might not want to hire us… ”
Millennials’ new-age sense of office etiquette hasn’t helped them either: Many millennials go wrong by failing to put in enough effort to appear professional, showing up to an interview not properly cleaned and pressed, says Janette Marx, senior vice president at Adecco: “This is the generation of, ‘This is me, and I will go out and represent me true to who I really am.’ But there are certain situations where you need to take it up a notch.”
I don't know man. I'm wearing a shirt of the esteemed superhero “The Flash.” The flash is cooler than your silly job where I'm just gonna gchat all day.
5. “…but soon, you might work for us.”
Human resources experts say that millennials will be playing leadership roles American corporations in the not too distant future — even though they don’t seem well-suited for it today. That’s why many employers are trying to accommodate their quirky, unconventional tastes.
Hard to believe, but everyone will age, and we will one day do what people do when they get to be a certain age.
6. “We have drug problems.”
Never mind cocaine or marijuana: Prescription antidepressants are the drug that may have had the most profound effect on the millennial generation. Prozac came out in the late 80s, when many millennials were still children, and the release of the antidepressant coincided with a turning point in Americans’ mental health: Some reports suggest that Generation Y is less depressed than previous generations.
7. “We live with our parents. So what?”
The children of the baby boomers have another nickname: the boomerang generation. That’s because many of them are moving back in with their parents shortly after leaving the nest—and they can be hard to get rid of. More than 40% of 21- to 26-year-olds live with their folks, compared with less than a third of baby boomers when they were that age, according to a recent AARP survey. While living at home has often been a source of shame for 20-somethings, experts say the millennials don’t seem to mind, and many are in no hurry to leave.
Free rent, food, and access to nicer alcohol? Never a terrible time.
8. “Mom and Dad: Don’t buy us a car.”
millennials also seem less eager to get behind the wheel: While it’s true that Americans overall have been driving slightly less in the past few years than they did in previous years, 16- to 34-year-olds drove a whopping 23% fewer miles per capita in 2009 than they did in 2001, according to the National Household Travel Survey, conducted by the Federal Highway Administration.
Don't think it has much to do with disliking driving. It's just that owning a car requires attention and care, and, well, fuck that. We also think cities are much, much cooler.
9. “We’re practically professional students.”
Some millennials have found a way to avoid the bleak job market: Stay in school a little longer—or a lot longer. More than 81% of college students say they are interested in going to grad school after college, according to a survey by consultancy Millennial Branding.
School is a system we're familiar with, and we know how to game it acheive within it. Oftentimes, it's also better than the alternative of zero job.
10. “Companies that neglect us will be sorry.”
Millennials might not have as much money in their pocketbooks as older shoppers, but companies often treat them as VIP customers. That’s because millennials have the highest expectations for service, say customer relations experts, and they also tend to complain the loudest: About 60% of 18- to 24-year-olds take to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks when they have an issue with a company, twice as many as among the 65 and older crowd
For more semi-intriguing musings about mostly obvious things, follow Lance on Twitter.