Having been around here for several years now I can confidently say that BroBible readers are some of the most educated, intelligent, and well read audiences on the Internet. Seriously, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for being better than other readerships because you are. That’s why I feel comfortable talking with you bros about things like personal finance and investment strategy. Today I’m here to tell you bros that don’t already know about the holy grail of books focused on investment: ‘A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing’ by Burton G. Malkiel. Seriously bros, reading this will change your life for the better and that’s not just me blowing smoke, that’s me speaking from experience.
In the past I’ve suggested a handful of investment strategy books from Bill Gates’ reading list, but ‘A Random Walk Down Wall Street’ is on a whole different level. If you only ever read one book about investing then THIS IS THE BOOK that you should read. Over 1.5 million copies of ‘A Random Walk Down Wall Street’ have already been sold, the Wall Street Journal named it as a ‘Best Books For Investors’ pick in 2015, and here’s just a few reviews from notable publications on just how important of a book this is:
The Wall Street Journal: “Talk to 10 money experts and you’re likely to hear 10 recommendations for Burton Malkiel’s classic investing book.”
Chicago Tribune: “A Random Walk has set thousands of investors on a straight path…. A lucid mix of the theoretical and the pragmatic.”
Barron’s: “Imagine getting a week-long lesson on investing from someone with the common sense of Benjamin Franklin, the academic and institutional knowledge of Milton Friedman and the practical experience of Warren Buffett. That’s about what awaits you in the latest edition of this must-read by Burton Malkiel.”
Forbes: “Not more than half a dozen really good books about investing have been written in the past fifty years. This one may well belong in the classics category.”
Money: “An engagingly written and wonderfully argued tome.”