According To This Report The Founder Of Southern Tide Shot And Killed A Man Outside Of His Home In Self Defense

If this report is to be believed it seems as if Allen Stephenson, the founder of Southern Tide, one of the most recognizable bro brands in America (basically ‘Vineyard Vines of the South’), might have been involved in a homicide last weekend in Greenville, South Carolina.

On Saturday morning FOX Carolina reported that police had responded to a call in Greenville, South Carolina after reports of a man ‘seeing a suspicious person in his yard’ around 9am, and shortly there after shots were fired. The ‘suspicious person’ was identified as Matthew Whitman, 32, a Greenville local. He was pronounced dead on the scene by the coroner, and the death has been ruled a homicide. Here’s where things take a turn for the murky though.

Dillon Cheverere over at tracked down the address of where the altercation occurred, Paris Mountain Castle, and TFM‘s reporting that according to the Greenville County Tax Appraiser the home at that address is owned by Mr. Allen Stephenson, the founder of Southern Tide apparel.

Now I wish I could confirm this by searching the Tax Appraiser’s website myself but I’m a bit of an ignoramus when it comes to most governmental websites, and I just can’t seem to find Allen Stephenson’s name attached to that address but it also appears as if I need an account # or map # in order to effectively search the tax collector’s website.

So, how was this ruled a homicide and we haven’t heard anything about it from the mainstream news? Here’s what has to say about that:

It looks like this case will come down to the interpretation of South Carolina’s “Stand Your Ground” law, and the shooter’s account of the incident in proving he was protecting himself or others “from death or great bodily injury or to prevent the commission of a violent crime.”

South Carolina’s Protection of Persons and Property Act (“PPPA”), more commonly referred to as the “Stand Your Ground” law, is similar to other states regarding home invasions. This incident occurred on Stephenson’s front lawn, though, where the law also applies.

They go on to cite this passage from that explains South Carolina’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law:

The protections of “Stand Your Ground” extend outside of a home and vehicle also. If you aren’t engaged in unlawful activity, and you are attacked, you can “stand your ground” and meet the attack with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe that your force is necessary to protect you or someone else from death or great bodily injury or to prevent the commission of a violent crime. You don’t have a duty to retreat.

It seems that this is a clear cut case where a ‘suspicious’ individual was trespassing on a home owner’s property, an altercation ensued, and a shotgun was fired resulting in the death of 31-year-old Matthew Whitman.

As I was blogging this I did another search and in the past hour it seems as if every news outlet in Greenville has come forth with this news. is now reporting that Allen Stephenson HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED as the homeowner who shot and killed Matthew Whitman:

In a statement released by Sloan P. Ellis on behalf of Stephenson, he identified him as the homeowner. He told The Greenville News that Stephenson is the founder of Southern Tide, which manufactures high-end polo shirts and other garments.
In the statement, Ellis said Stephenson was attacked at his home by a man he didn’t know.
“After repeated requests by Mr. Stephenson, the individual, later identified as Mr. Whitman, would not leave. Instead, he became hostile, and attacked Mr. Stephenson with a knife.
“Mr. Stephenson had no alternative but to defend himself with his shotgun,” the statement says.
A witness called the Sheriff’s office, and Stephenson “has cooperated fully with the authorities and will continue to do so,” the statement says.
“At this time, we have no information on Mr. Whitman or his motives,” the statement says. “Mr. Stephenson appreciates the many calls of concern he has received, but would appreciate everyone respecting his privacy at this time.”

If you’re wondering who Allen Stephenson is, or what’s the story behind Southern Tide, you can check out this ‘About Us’ video they put out five months ago:

As details continue to emerge I’ll update this post accordingly, in the meantime I highly encourage you to CLICK HERE and head on over to TFM, as the ‘Southern Tide’ connection is one that they were the first to report, and thus they have the most in-depth account of Saturday’s homicide.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at