Anthony Weiner Accused Of Having Online Sexual Relationship With 15-Year-Old And The Alleged Sexts Are Creepy AF

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Anthony Weiner is now involved in another sexting scandal just a few weeks after his wife Huma Abedin filed for divorce.

Today, the Daily Mail released an interview a 15-year-old girl who claims she had a months-long online sexual relationship with Weiner. The girl provided a plethora of of text messages between Weiner and herself and it’s pretty disturbing.

It all began in January of 2016 when the girl DMd Weiner on Twitter and even though she told him that she was still in high school, Weiner continued being flirtatious with her.

All Images Via Daily Mail

The relationship later progressed to other social networks including Facebook, Skype and Kik. As you can you see in the texts below it’s clear that Weiner is aware the girl is underage but he continues to engage in a sexually flirtatious manner.

Via DailyMail.

It appears that the sexts got more aggressive over time as Weiner would explicitly describe what he would do in bed.

“I would bust that tight p–sy so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week,”

The girl went on to tell the DailyMail that her relationship with Weiner was consensual but that he made her “uncomfortable” when he would try to engage her in “rape fantasies.”

‘When we would Skype, he would tell me that he was very lonely and that it had been a year since he and his wife [Huma] had sex, and that she really didn’t pay him any attention,’ said the girl. ‘We would talk, just chatting for about 30 minutes and it would lead to more sexual things…asking me to undress…he’d comment on my body. He asked me about masturbation, and that kind of thing.’

Sometimes, she claims, Weiner would ask the girl to dress up in plaid skirts and pretend he was her school teacher, she said.
‘He would pretend like he was a teacher and I was a student. And he’d talk about me sitting in the front of his class, and him taking me after school,’ she said.

He also shared pornographic videos with her, she added.
The girl said she was not uncomfortable with the sexting, except for when Weiner would try to engage her in ‘rape fantasies’.
‘He had some rape fantasies. It would just be him showing up at my house when my dad was out of town,’ she said. ‘And just start undressing me, being forceful, asking me if I want to be dominated, strange questions.’

After feeling guilty about the relationship, the girl eventually told her father but she asked him not go to the police and he obliged.

There are plenty of more texts and disturbing details over at The Daily Mail.

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Jorge Alonso is a BroBible Sports Editor who has been covering the NBA, NFL, and MLB professionally for over 10 years, specializing in digital media. He isa Miami native and lifelong Heat fan.