This brash bikerboi badmouthed the wrong dude. Colton Sodt of Austin, Texas was biking to a barbershop when he sped past the side of a white SUV that was posted up in the biking lane. Instead of letting that shit slide, Sodt vocalized an innocent enough observation, ‘you’re in a bike lane, bro.’ I mean that right there doesn’t seem to dickish. Sure, it’s irritating, and some of us might find over entitled bikerbois a bothersome bunch, but damn if the enraged driver in that white SUV went off in the most extreme and unreasonable of ways. The dude in the car blew a fucking valve. You can all but hear fist crunching face bones in this pretty brutal firsthand video-documented account.
Thank god for GoPro helmet cams, am I right? At least the detectives on the prowl to track down the runaway, road-enraged street fighter have some sort of lead to work with. When asked about how he felt, Sodt told the Chicago Tribune:
“My face is still a little numb, like on my upper lip but it has gotten better now,” he said.
Sodt no doubt’s feeling (or is he..) some regrets over calling that driver out on his behavior, but also righteously pissed off over the outcome. Nobody should be beat down on a fucking public road over a stupid comment.
“I do regret saying the stuff that I did say,” Colton said. “I was obviously upset he was trying to run me off the road with his vehicle when I’m on a bike but just the fact that he still assaulted me over a few words, it’s not right.”
[H/T: Chicago Tribune]