I know that saying someone is your spirit animal is pretty cliche, but I genuinely think the Bro behind @inspirationalshotguns on Instagram might be my spirit animal. This dude has created an entire account where the schtick is to shout inspirational quotes like Coach Gary Gaines to “inspire you through your pregame every weekend.” As if you need it for a power-hour. But the best part is that he toasts every quote with a beer shotgun to the face like the total Bro hound that he is.
It’s nothing short of amazing. Here are some of his greatest hits so far:
“The world is full of good people If you can’t find one, be one And if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”
“Limitations are nothing. Inspiration is everywhere. It’s not the size of the person, it’s the size of the dream.”
: Limitations are nothing Inspiration is everywhere it’s not the size of the person, it’s the size of the dream #inspirational #shotgun #beer #Brooklyn #nets #basketball #playoffs #Saturday #coorslight #nofloaters #shmoney A video posted by @inspirationalshotguns on May 31, 2015 at 11:50am PDT
You get what you give. Tomato, tomàto. It’s not about talking about it, it’s about being about it Baby!
“Never run when you can jog. Never jog when you can walk. Never walk when you cans sit down ….and don’t sit down when you can lay down.”
Balance your life. Control your emotions. It’s all about: -The drive -The goal -The girl -The dream.
Couldn’t have said it any better myself.