Fourteen-year-old Caleb Maddix has already made six figures, wants to be a millionaire by the age of 16, and a billionaire by the age of 30. He wrote the book “Keys To Success For Kids” and started his own company called “Kids 4 Success” in which he can be hired to mentor a kid for an entire year for only $19.95 per month.
Here’s a lil’ excerpt from Caleb’s interview with Forbes:
“I live my life by a quote and it’s “the gun that kills the most people is the ‘gonna.’” I meet too many people, especially kids, who are like “OK, I’ll get out of college and focus on my future” or “I’m gonna write a book, I’m gonna start a business …” and all of a sudden they’re 40 years old and unhappy with their life, all because they thought it was just gonna to work out. They end up killing their dream!”
Here’s the intro video to his YouTube channel.
Here’s a video of a “live sales call” in which Caleb convinces a dude to pay him $10,000 to speak at an event with a guaranteed ROI of $100,000.
Here’s a success story that Caleb relayed during his Forbes Q&A:
“[W]e had a kid who got arrested, who had been suspended three times in a month, was the worst in his class for grades, and was depressed 24/7. Then he signed up for Kids For Success, a week later he went from that, turned around, started his own business with a positive outlook on life and is getting the third-best grades in his entire class.”
Maddix also claims to have been voted “Top 20 Most Motivational People on the Earth” (which I Googled and got only results for Caleb Maddix pages) and “Top 8 Must Follow People on Snapchat” (which I also Googled and only got Caleb’s pages). While you might be seething beyond belief, the children ARE our future. So, if all kids can become extreme motivators like Caleb, every day can be a #MotivationalMonday! YEAH!!!
VIDEO: This kid is a total Ladies Man…
Via Inc