Many people who treasure Chipotle may say, “These burritos are so delectable, they must put crack in it.” Well, if one Chipotle executive made your burrito there is a possibility that some gutter glitter accidentally was dusted into your tender barbacoa. “Would you like coke with your burrito?”
A year-long undercover NYPD investigation cracked down on three drug kingpins, based on the Lower East Side, who were allegedly using livery services to delivery cocaine throughout Manhattan. Over the course of the last year NYPD believe that the drug dealers sold more than $75,000 worth of cocaine to New Yorkers. Is it me, or does it seem like they should have sold a lot more than $75,000 of coke over a year? What slackers.
There were 18 buyers arrested in the sting, which included Katie Welnhofer, who works on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business, Christopher Dodson, a client associate at Merrill Lynch, Huffington Post blogger Alexander Mallory, and Chipotle’s Chief Marketing and Development Officer, Mark Crumpacker. I knew Chipotle’s burritos tasted familiar.
I know this is a shock. It’s hard to believe that rich, successful people in New York City do blow. I’m stupefied as well. They were all charged with the criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree, according to the Daily Mail Online.
This is a huge blow to Chipotle, and comes at a crucial time when the food chain is attempting to revive their image after a shitty patch when their restaurants serving food that was contaminated with E.coli, which caused customers to have green apple splatters and bloody diarrhea.
Crumpacker, 53, is one of the employees that has introduced a gameplan to overcome all of Chipotle’s bad press. Whoops. He made an estimated $4.3 million in 2015. That can buy a lot of coke.
Chipotle spokesman Chris Arnold said the company has placed Crumpacker on administrative leave. “We made this decision in order to remain focused on the operation of our business, and to allow Mark to focus on these personal matters. Mark’s responsibilities have been assigned to other senior managers in his absence,” Arnold said.
Maybe Mr. Cumpacker should make the acquaintance of the woman who smuggles meth in burritos.