A bit about the show from creator Brett Kohan:
Growing up, the millennial generation always received a trophy for finishing in, well, just about any place that was in the top 100. So it’s perfectly natural for the recently graduated 23 year-old Jake Markowitz and his pals to be displeasured by their inabilities to secure sexy high-paying jobs in Manhattan and move out of their parents’ homes on Long Island. Up until this point they haven’t had to make any overwhelming decisions of consequence on their own – “earn decent grades in college and you’ll get a job that’s not in the food service industry,” went the mantra. But with the new standards of the 21st Century calling this logic into question, these lifelong friends must rely on one another to figure out exactly what’s next. And so they push their way through awkward encounters with their parents while trying to get their footing professionally in a world that is doing just fine without them. Sure they can eventually make it to The City. Just how many times will they have to admit they live with their parents on the long commute there?
If you dig this, be sure to check out their Kickstarter page for more. Which you damn well should–how could you knock a trailer with an 877 CASH NOW reference?