Cleveland Police Officer In Trouble For Helping a Bro Do a Beer Bong While Tailgating for a Browns Game

Of all the things to get upset about in the City of Cleveland, people are wasting their time being outraged by a cop who held a beer bong for a bro who was tailgating for a Browns pre-season game. Can’t you just be happy with Johnny Manziel and LeBron James and Kevin Love?

This pic of an officer identified as Patrolman Carl Dooley was originally posted on The Chive. It’s believe the can the officer himself is holding is a Pepsi can, not an actual beer can:

Apparently there’s a lot of pot calling the kettle black hypocrisy here, since cops are cracking down on drunk antics outside Browns games this season. Via WKYC:

Police and union officials have told WKYC that the officer “appears to have used poor judgement.”

They are stressing more rigorous enforcement of open container laws to tailgaters at Cleveland Browns football games.

Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association President Jeff Follmer says, “Sometimes, officers try to fit into their work environment, meaning no harm or diminishing the esteem of the police department.”

But Sgt. Pillow believes that, if the picture is what it appears to be, Officer Dooley might face issues of conduct unbecoming an officer.

Dooley is a Field Training Officer who helps guide new officers learning on the job.

When they are hired, city employees are counseled to remember that they are now in the public eye and they should not do anything that they would not want to see on a website, front page or newscast.

Seems like some misplaced outrage, City of Cleveland. Your police force is trying to win over the hearts and minds of its long-neglected sports fan at the beginning of what might turn into a Golden Era of Cleveland sports. This is way better than antagonizing them for drinking a beer in a parking lot and making them violent. If there was an actual public safety issue, I’m sure the cop would have stepped in and done his job.

Kudos for trying to be loved.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: