Hackers recently broke into the personal emails of former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of State Colin Powell, releasing the contents to DCLeaks.com, a website suspected of having Russian ties.
A spokesman for Powell confirmed the emails are legitimate, and boy are they great.
He offers takes on both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In one email, he calls Trump an “international pariah” and a “national disgrace.”
But my favorite (and everyone’s if we are being honest), comes from an email sent to a business partner of his.
It says, “I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home.”
Honestly, I think Colin Powell summed up how we all feel about Hillary.
He also had this to say about Donald Trump and his recent efforts to reach out to African Americans.
“He is at 1% black voters and will drop. He takes us for idiots. He can never overcome what he tried to do to Obama with his search for the birth certificate hoping to force Obama out of the Presidency.”
The existence of Powell’s hacked emails were first reported by BuzzFeed.