This is a tough one to take on the chin for millennials. Legit being called whiny, fragile little bitches veiled in the political correctness of science by their own professors.
According to the Daily Mail,
College students are seeking counselling at an unprecedented rate because they are having ’emotional crises’ over everyday life, a psychologist has claimed.
Peter Gray said he was invited to a major university to talk about student resilience and found counselling services had conducted twice as many appointments in recent years because of increasing ‘neediness’.
The Boston College Professor added that faculty members are now afraid to give low grades because of ’emotional fragility’.
They also feel like they have to do more ‘hand-holding’ and avoid challenging their students as a result, he claims.
Gray publicized two telling incidents where his students had asked for counseling: one seeking help after her roommate called her a ‘bitch’ and two others receiving emotional help for finding a mouse in their off campus apartment.
Peter also claims that students are looking to defer blame for poor grades on their professors.
‘Faculty also noted an increased tendency for students to blame them (the faculty) for low grades—they weren’t explicit enough in telling the students just what the test would cover or just what would distinguish a good paper from a bad one.’
The head of counseling services at a major university wrote in an email that there has been an increase in diagnosable mental problems, but a decrease in students’ abilities to cope with the minor struggles of every day life.
Dan Jones, the former president of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, told the Chronicle of Higher Education:
‘[Students] haven’t developed skills in how to soothe themselves, because their parents have solved all their problems and removed the obstacles.
This poll from the Washington Post tells the story all too well.
If you ignore the fact that James Harrison is a domestic abuser and didn’t visit the White House after either of his two Super Bowl victories because “Obama would have invited the other team if they’d won,” no truer words have been spoken.
This Adam Carolla millennial rant may be all the counseling the youth of today need.
[h/t Daily Mail]