Crazy, Soon-To-Be-Ex Girlfriend VICIOUSLY Scratches Boyfriend During Intense Fight Over The Bed Covers

Woah. There is bickering over minutiae like who didn’t throw away the milk before the expiration date and then there is THIS. After a non-violent dispute with his girlfriend, Emma Campbell, Alexander McCall went to sleep on the couch for the evening. Apparently the reason for the fight was over what temperature the Florida couple should  keep in their apartment. McCall took the comforter from their bed to the couch, only to wake to his girlfriend’s fingernails tearing the skin off his back. Via the Daytona Beach News-Journal:

Police determined that the fracas was over a blanket. Campbell and McCall, 20, in a relationship for three years, were breaking up and could not agree on who was going to use the blanket Tuesday night.

That prompted a fight and a tug of war over the blanket as there was a dispute over the temperature setting of the air conditioning, police said.

Campbell then attacked McCall with her fingernails, police said.

“Due to Campbell’s aggressive attacks with her nails, McCall shoved her off of him at which time she landed on the floor,” officers wrote in their report.

Campbell claimed McCall cut her lips but police did not see any injuries on her, the report said. Campbell was released Tuesday from the Volusia County Branch Jail on her own recognizance.

That is one rough break-up. Apparently when police showed up at 4:15 AM, he was outside the residence, screaming in pain. Campbell is being charged with battery. Meanwhile, McCall is a smart man to walk away and get out of a volatile situation like that, as it certainly could have escalated into something even more sinister.

Here are the pics from the Deland Police Department:

[H/T: Elite Daily]


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: