Deer dashes into South Carolina Gold's Gym, leaps over some weights before completing its quick two-minute workout.
— ABC News (@ABC) December 19, 2016
Do you even lift, bro?
A deer, likely on N.O. Explode or cocaine, burst through a window at a Gold’s Gym in Anderson, South Carolina yesterday and completed a longer workout than I have since the Spring. Even the gym’s meatiest meatheads ran for cover when they spotted the deer, even though the thing has biceps the size of Tara Reid’s. No one was hurt in the break-in, besides the pride of the dude’s who found a safe haven in the women’s locker room.
When they doing squatting dog in the yoga studio and you’re trying to peep some booty.
This incident comes just months after Bambi leapt through an American Eagle window, likely trying to cop himself a sick seashell choker necklace and ‘Undefeated Football 1972’ t-shirt.
[h/t Uproxx]