Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s physician who was jailed for involuntary manslaughter in the King of Pop’s death, wrote a book about Jacko and there are some shocking revelations.
Murray spoke with the Mirror to promote his upcoming book “This Is It,” and he dropped some bombshells.
“Jackson wanted to marry a famous British child actress – after falling in love when she was just 11 years old. But that was Jackson’s second choice…his first, Murray claims, was the 12-year-old daughter of a British friend who was aged just five when he set eyes on her.”
When asked if Michael Jackson was a threat to children and if he would leave his son alone with the superstar, Murray craftily answered, “You must read the book and make those decisions for yourself.”
Quite the salesman.
Murray’s book also claims that Jackson would regularly dress up in weird disguises for sex sessions in downtown Los Angeles.
But, Michael Jackson already had a weird disguise, it was called his mutilated face.
“This is the story of who Michael Jackson really was,” Murray explaining why he wrote the book. “He wanted me to tell this story – now I am fulfilling his wish.”
Um. If Jackson did want you to write the book, I’m pretty darn sure that he want you to omit the whole wanting to marry 11-year-olds part. Jackson would have been like, “Hey Conrad, please write a book about me, but ixnay on the child bridesnay.”
“I believe this book will be a gift to Michael’s fans and his family across the world,” says Murray. In other news, Conrad Murray apparently gives really shitty “gifts.”
Murray was Jackson’s private physician for more than three years, and even lived at Jackson’s estate. Murray is blamed for causing the pop singer’s premature death at 50-years-old on June 25, 2009 by administering a massive overdose of the general anesthetic propofol.
“Did I ever expect him die the way he did? Of course not,” Murray pleaded.
Murray served two years of a four-year prison sentence in 2011 for involuntary manslaughter.
Murray described himself as a “father figure” to Michael, despite being only six years apart in age. “I considered our relation differently. I was a ‘protective parent.’ I felt he needed to be protected from many people, including a lot of those close to him. There were parasites and blood suckers all around him, and many of them were not strangers.”
He claims that Jackson was “betrayed” by one his closest relatives. Jackson allegedly begged the doctor to protect his family from this person should anything happen to him.
“For just over three years, I spoke to him every day and was with him every week. He said to me: “I have four members of my family Conrad; you, Paris, Prince and Blanket. You are all I have.”
When Murray was asked if he only wrote the book for financial gain he responded by saying, “No, not at all. If it brings in some gratuities, that will be fine. But money was never my motivation.”
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“I have not earned any money since being released from jail. A lot of people have helped me. I have been propped up by my family and friends. They are helping me until I can work and make a living for myself again. I have no income. I get by with their help and love.”
Sounds like Conrad needs money. I bet he could get a massive payday from a book advance maybe?
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“I have suffered a great deal because of what’s happened to me. I was locked up for two years. But it was inside jail that I decided to start writing this story, for Michael. Before I was released, I had written 40,000 words and then, about five months ago, I decided to finish it off and have this story published, so everyone can learn what Michael wanted the world to know.. Now I feel I can now relax as I have carried out his instructions to tell his story.”
By the way, Murray has two homes, one in Southern California and Florida.
Last month, the creepy porn collection of Michael Jackson was revealed.
“Michael was not a perfect individual but who is? He has his fault, like anyone.”
But checking out 5-year-olds? Dude, c’mon, that’s a little more than a “fault.” A fault is sometimes you get blackout drunk and take a dump in your sink instead of your toilet.
“This Is It is the true story of Michael’s life that has never been told. It is the final word. It is the story of who Michael Jackson really was. It’s the truth. Everything else out there is entirely speculative. Everyone thinks they know the story – but they don’t.”