Pretty Sure Donald Trump Just Implied He Could Get Mitt Romney To Blow Him

I’m loathe to declare the devolution of the 2016 Republican primary complete, because I’m pretty certain the moment I annouce a floor, the candidates will immediately set up residency in the basement below. That said, this is a pretty delightfully low point.

Earlier today, Mitt Romney spoke out about what he believed to be the great menace, Donald Trump, calling him a greedy bully without any substance.

Trump’s perfect response in a speech in Maine?

Of course, he could be referencing groveling from a prone position and not necessarily oral sex in exchange for a endorsement, but this being Trump, I’m leaning toward the latter. Especially if you pair it with another of his statements.

“Mitt is indeed a choke artist. He choked like I’ve never seen anyone choke.”

Oh yea.

[Via CNN]’