Dos Equis Has Revealed The New ‘Most Interesting Man’ And He Looks Like A Spanish Michael Phelps

Dos Equis introduced its new Most Interesting Man In The World today, a job held by 77-year-old Jonathan Goldsmith, who retired from the role earlier this year.

The dude’s name is Augustin Legrand. He’s a French actor who also speaks English and Spanish and at 41 years old, is more than 35 years younger than his predecessor.

AdWeek reports that Legrand’s version of the character will focus less on reminiscing about past triumphs and more “hands-on adventure seeking in a kind of James Bond style.” The brand describes Legrand as “timelessly masculine” and “edgier and more daring.”

They wanted a Spanish-speaking character as the hispanic population in the U.S. hit an all-time high in 2014, and is expected to double to nearly 106 million by 2050, reports USA Today.

Dos Equis will attempt to pivot its marketing to a more contemporary audience. It plans to update its packaging, launch its first-ever Snapchat campaign, and becoming an official sponsor for the College Football Playoff, which will serve as the launch pad for the first full ads with Legrand in October.

Call me a traditional guy, but this Legrand character has a lot to prove before he can be considered in the same breath as my man Jonathan Goldsmith, or J-Gold, as his friends call him.

Myself and fellow BroBible bros Cass Anderson and Brandon Wenerd trying to get some of J-Gold’s sloppy seconds/thirds at last year’s Dos Equis Masquerade Ball.

P.S. Hey babe, I’m Matt. The Most Interesting Man is currently taking a demon shit. Care for a drink?

[h/t AdWeek]

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Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.